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Sugar Hype

Jessica & Carol Maybury

It all starts with that single white grain of sweet sensational sugar, the kick it gives you, the energy boost that beautiful sugar high but what are the after affects of consuming processed white sugar? Recent studies show that white processed sugar is more addictive than that hit of cocaine , so what is it really doing?

Ma & Me recently attended one of Damon Gameau's (the creator of That Sugar Film) Question and Answer evening. Unfortunately we didn't get a photo with Damon because we were a bit too hungry and excited about going out for dinner (we made a sugarless dinner choice too) that we decided the line just had to wait! It was a great and informative evening put on by Mike and Kathy Parish, owners of Dubbo Health Food in Darling Street.

Watch that sugar film trailor

If you haven't seen Damon's recent sugar documentary you can head to his webpage and watch it now.

To watch the film click the image!

Recent data released from the Australian Bureau of Statistics just proves that Australians are consuming more added sugar than ever before. The World Health Organisation recommends that only 5 percent of the total sugar intake of the day equates to no more than six teaspoons. Soft drinks, packaged food and confectionery contain hidden added sugars that have developed in the rise of this sugar crisis. Natural sugar from various whole foods is fundamental in fueling the muscles and brain. In today's society we are consuming too much refined white sugar which can have a detrimental effect on one's health. If you were to consume soft drinks, chocolate and ice cream your sugar intake could be high as twenty teaspoons of added sugar per day.


Soft drink consumption has increased dramatically over the past few decades with major soft drink corporations raking in billions of dollars in sales. Ads for different soft drink brands are commonly seen in magazines, on the tv and in the movies but what these beverage companies don't advertise is the damaging health implications of these sweet sugar drinks. It has shown to increase the risk of obesity which in turn increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.


A chocolate bar with 24 grams of sugar equates 6 teaspoons of sugar.

A litre of soft drink with 124 grams of sugar equates 31 teaspoons of sugar.

One serve of vanilla ice cream with 84 grams of sugar equates 21 teaspoons of sugar.

Tips for dealing with sugar addiction!

1. Reduce or eliminate caffeine - The ups and downs of caffeine include dehydration and sugar swings which may cause sugar cravings to become more frequent.

2. Drink water - sometimes sweet cravings are a sign of dehydration. Before you reach for the sugar have a glass of water and wait a few minutes to see what happens.

3. Eat sweet vegetables and fruit - They are naturally sweet, healthy and delicious. The more you eat the less you will crave sugar

4. Avoid chemicalised artificial sweeteners and foods that contain added sugar. Use gentle natural sweeteners like maple syrup, brown rice syrup, stevia and honey.

5. Get physically active - Start with simple activities like walking or yoga and gradually increase. Being active helps balance blood sugar levels, boosts energy and reduces tension which will eliminate the need to reach for sugar.

6. Get more sleep, rest and relaxation (Ma does I've heard her snore)

7. Eliminate fat free or low fat packaged snack foods. These foods contain high quantities of sugar to compensate for the lack of flavour and fat, which will send your body into a roller coaster ride of sugar highs and lows.

8. Slow down and find sweetness in non food ways! every craving is not a signal that your body biologically requires sugar. When life becomes sweet enough NO additives are needed.

We hope that you find these tips on cutting back sugar helpful and would love to hear any of your own personal journey's with sugar!


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