Jessica Maybury
Nov 25, 2018
Blissful Sunday Mornings
How you start your day sets you up for what’s to come. Sundays are my day for rest, relaxation and selflove as well as spending time with...

Jessica & Carol Maybury
Sep 29, 2018
Wellness series-“Eat Right”
Hey everyone, Over the coming weeks we will be talking about hot topics to keep your health & wellness in check. Today’s topic we thought...

Jessica and Carol Maybury
Aug 5, 2018
Are you craving movement?
ARE YOU CRAVING MOVEMENT? I have to be honest I am not so good at exercise! I have good intentions and buy the gym membership every few...

Carol Maybury
Jun 25, 2017
Juicing for your Health
Fresh vegetable juicing would have to be the most beneficial and immune building thing any person can do to improve their overall health....

Jessica and Carol Mayburyy
Apr 14, 2017
Recipe: Lime cheesecake
By Jess & Carol We have a totally yummy and light raw dessert to share with you and with Easter coming up and all the chocolate we...